The Star Wars magazines encyclopedia
a reference guide for the original trilogy
nice job !!!” -
Steve Sansweet (Lucasfilm Ltd.)
“Brilliant. This website is terrific. Really nicely done.” - Scott Weller (Star Wars Aficionado)
“Amazing ! Utterly amazing site. Great reference site !” - Tony Damata (
“The site looks great. What a useful reference! Thanks for sharing it.” - Duncan Jenkins (Star Wars Collectors Archive)
“Wow ! what a unique site.” - Sue Hooven (
“Awesome site ! Just love to browse through !!!!!” - Bernd Lambracht (
“Simply the best source of what collectors need, Stunning !!” - Kalvin (Star Wars Collectors Club Monterrey)
Star Wars fan would appreciate it !! Very informative & accurate
This site gives its viewer an eye-full, FANtastic !!" - Schroeder (
“This site is phenomenal !” - Nestor (Bastion - Star Wars Polish Fan Club)
“A great reference.” - Rob Williams (
“An absolutely fantastic list.” - Lance Worth (Star Force Collectibles)
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